by K. Kruger
With a new school year comes new staff members. This year at Sibley – Ocheyedan High School there is one new high school staff member. Her name is Tristen Bremer. She is the new – and only – Ag teacher at Sibley-Ocheyedan. One of the things Bremer noted that she is looking forward to is growing the FFA/Ag program. Miss Bremer would like to see more kids out for FFA, and getting involved with the club and their activities. She believes that it would be good for kids to get involved because it means getting out of their comfort zones, and doing activities that would not have been considered by the students without FFA.
Miss Bremer is attempting to build the Sibley – Ocheyedan Ag program stronger. Miss. Bremer expresses her concern that this is going to be a little bit of a struggle. In an attempt to get kids connected with the Ag programs sooner, A PALS program is being re-established. This is a program where the officers and juniors go over to the elementary school and with the help of the teachers there, begin to engage with students.
Later, Miss Bremer expressed her happiness for getting the opportunity to teach at the place that she once attended. Miss Bremer was inspired to become a teacher because of her previous Ag teachers while attending Sibley-Ocheyedan. She then stated that they made her Ag experience as well as the entirety of her high school experience more enjoyable. She concludes with the thought that this year will be one full of laughter, joy, and trials.