by K. Elser The Sibley – Ocheyedan Girls Cross Country team was recently awarded first place at the Siouxland All-Conference Meet in Okoboji, IA. Three members of the team received all-conference honors. The boy’s team was placed fourth at the meet with two members receiving all-conference honors. The girls receiving all-conference include: Madison Brouwer (first place), Maddy Marco (second place), …
Sibley – Ocheyedan Parade of Bands
by M. Dykstra On Sunday, October 18, 2022, at 2 PM, the Sibley – Ocheyedan School District held the annual Parade of Bands on the football field. The sixth-grade band, seventh and eight grade band, and of course, the high school marching band all performed. They each performed their marching show. Before the event began, a meal was held in …