by Diana Sufle
As the school year comes to an end Friday, May 20, 2022, we look back on the year. Through old memories and maybe some new friends made along the way. However, there’s always something everyone needs to hear or needs to learn, so here’s a letter to us all.
Incoming freshman: don’t rush high school. You think that high school will go by so slowly, but you’ll blink and you’ll be walking across the stage at graduation. Take in every moment. Enjoy every football game, late-night drive, pointless conversations with friends, and every activity you’re in. Try in your classes and work hard until the last day. If you put in all the hard work, your future self is going to thank you.
Incoming sophomores: this might be your easiest year yet. Everyone will say that freshman year is the easiest, but honestly, it’s this year. You get to start having control on what you want to do, but it’s also the year people start asking you who you want to be. It’s okay to not know what you want to go to college for, so don’t let anyone tell you differently. You might not even know when you’re a senior. Just take life as it comes and once again get your work done.
Incoming juniors: junior year isn’t all that bad as everyone makes it out to be. If you do your work and turn it in, you’ll be fine. Just breathe and don’t let it psych you out before you even get there. Enjoy the ride and work hard, you’re almost there.
Incoming seniors: This is it. This next year is your last year. The last year to be dumb, the last year to make choices that don’t really affect you and your future, the last year for Friday night lights and screaming out your lungs at games. Show up and make the most of it. This is the last year you will be around these people every day, so go out and make the most of it.