After several months of background work, the S-O Education Foundation and S-O Friends of the FFA are happy to announce the donation from Noteboom Implement to the S-O School District. On Friday, December 11, Bob Schlesser, store manager of Noteboom Implement, presented a John Deere D110 tractor lawn mower and cargo cart to officers of the S-O FFA, Michelle Ackerman (president of S-O Friends of FFA), Brian Gottlob (FFA chapter advisor), and Bruce Osterman (treasurer of the S-O Education Foundation.) The lawn mower and cart will be raffled, and the winner will be announced at the Annual FFA Banquet and Meeting on April 1. Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. They are available from any FFA member and will also be sold at all home basketball games and wrestling meets.
The proceeds from the lawn mower raffle will be divided between the S-O Friends of FFA and the S-O Education Foundation. The Friends of FFA will use the proceeds to help fund a second agriculture education instructor. The S-O Foundation funds will be used to assist in all areas of educational needs in the Sibley-Ocheyedan school district. In the past, these needs have included $25 for each instructor at the beginning of every school year to use for classroom supplies, as well as educational and technological needs in elementary, middle, and high school classes and activities. Over the past five years, the S-O Foundation has granted over $10,000 to S-O instructors.
The Sibley-Ocheyedan School District wants to thank Noteboom Implement for their generous donation.